The Game

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Let’s Settle Some Scores – The Scoreven Game

Read and understand the rules of the game, before you think of taking on your ‘enemies’!
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1. What is the Game?

This is a game competition web-site wherein any person can send another person a witty remark, zinger, quote, catchphrase, put-down, wise quip, comeback or insult, thereby scoring a point against his competitor.

The web-site is having over 2,000 such quotes covering a variety of situations. The sender has a choice to send one or more of these one-liners (quotes) and / or to write his own line(s) observing the parameters defined by the web-writers.

The sender can send up to 10 cards to his friend with each earning him the number of points equal to the number of chillies.

A total of 50 cards can be sent after which the game is closed, and the winner declared on the basis of the number of points scored.

Five points are given for every quote written by the player. No more than one quote can be written by him in 24 hours.

All the sender written quotes will be viewed by the web-writers to confirm the observance of the rules specified for such quotes.

If the rules are not observed, the message does not get sent across to the recipient and consequently the score does not get updated however the credits spent by the sender are forfeited.

No more than 3 games of 50 cartoons each can be played by each registered user.

Any sender can send these quotes only after registering himself or herself as a member on signing the terms of service with the web-site.

The recipient will be notified of the message from the sender and invited to come to the web-site and receive the message on signing up as a member at the web-site.

The sender can send the message to the recipient’s e-mail address or a telephone #.

The score shall update on real-time basis on refreshing.  The online store will be at the Home page itself.

The one-liners are classified on this basis: the likely recipient classified as young boy, young girl, adult man, adult woman, old man and old woman, and the second is the gravity of insult which is classified in the number of chilies.

One chilly: The most subtle type of a zinger which is more to educate and guide than to slight or to poke fun.

Two chilies: This type of a zinger, though it has the sting, is mostly used to address people whom you don’t know too well and who you find to be of the sentimental kind.

Three chilies: The most commonly used in zingers in the conversations which has an impact on the listener.

Four chilies: This grade of a zinger can be offensive to a sensitive recipient. Usually cover zingers suggestive of violence and implicit sexual content.

Five chilies: This is the most extreme form of a zinger which is crude in content and is intended to hit hard. It includes covert threats,

For registration, we need to have the user name, e-mail address of every participant. Log in can happen with user name or email, and password. Registration will be activated only on their clicking the e-mail.

In the zingers section, a user after registration would enter into a screen where he/she can see the tabs of Address book, where from he can also send an invitation to all his friends.

In the zingers section, he should be able to see all the 2000 cards on scrolling basis, if he so wants, select them and send it to an identified recipient.

For the recipient, he should identify the age group of the recipient so that he can see the cards applicable to them. Also there will be a sent/ received tab which shows the list of cards archived and the points awarded for the same.


2. Indemnity

The website is owned by a Canadian Corporation thereby ensuring that the liability of the web-site owners can be limited to the net-worth of the company.

Legally worded Contract is to be signed with all the senders and recipients absolving the web-site owners from claiming any damages on account of slander, defamation, libel or any other suit that the recipient may chose to undertake against the website owners.

Due diligence is conducted by the website owners and staff to ensure that the one-liners written by the sender are following the parameters of the restrictions.

Report Abuse buttons would be installed prominently for the recipients to report any contravention of the guidelines of restrictions


3. Feedback

We welcome your questions and comments on this document.


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