Are You Creative?​

Hi !

Can you draw?  Can you write?  Are you witty?  Are you Creative?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, and wish to contribute to ScorEven’s endeavour to spread laughter, then you have an opportunity.  Send us you best creatives for our review.  If we find them publishable, then you are in with us.

If selected, you creatives may even fetch you royalty every time it makes some money through our website.

Read out and understand some terms and conditions before filling out the form on your right:

  1. Your creatives will be subject to scrutiny by us for its fitment in our website.
  2. Your creative MUST be original.  Any copyright infringement shall make you answerable. 
  3. If selected, and then published, the creative will become ScorEven’s property.
  4. You may be paid your first royalty within 30 days of the sale of your creative.