What's in it
For You
Before you open your mouth, your face speaks. After you open your mouth, your words do. Welcome to the circus of wit and sarcasm that www.Scoreven.com offers.

Give More Power to Your Punch
There are plenty of resources available on the internet about humor. Some tell jokes, some share anecdotes, some show funny pictures, and some present quotes. Sometimes you find them funny, and sometimes you don’t. At Scoreven.com, besides being amused by the content, you will also have the chance to ‘learn humor.’
Use Our Content as Your Intent
Your creativity has the opportunity to demonstrate that it has unfettered access to the capabilities that reside in the recesses of your mind, showing that you have what it takes to be both a challenger and a winner. You can weave your words around your emotions, or more appropriately, create magic with your words

Become a Master of Wit & Sarcasm
Life is nothing but a series of pleasant and not-so-pleasant situations where knowing how and when to respond is as critical as what to respond with. As society has evolved, the use of wit and sarcasm has become such a part of our daily conversations that it has entered our subconscious mind. As with every other skill, frequent use of wit and sarcasm in your conversations can make you a master of it, much to the detriment of those engaged in a verbal duel with you
Develop Your Ability to Articulate
ne common trait observed in highly successful people is their ability to articulate their feelings using appropriate words with wit and sarcasm. For instance, Donald Trump, Simon Cowell, and nearly all talk show hosts extend their personalities through their words, and so can you.

Develop Your Sense Of Humor
“The first man who hurled an insult as against a stone was the founder of the civilization” -Sigmund Freud
Sense of humor…
- Is good for your self-confidence
- Is essential in social settings
- Gets you acceptance and recognition in the office environment
- Helps you evade criticism
- Gives you power in tackling insults
- Is vital for success with the opposite sex