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What’s your HQ?
Actions speak louder than words
A good sense of humor scores over good looks
Death is a great equalizer
A family that laughs together, stays together
Fact: Words speak louder than actions
Dog biting the man is not news. Man biting the dog is.
Keep losing calories, either against a wall or against someone
Eloquence is the ability to describe Pamela Anderson without a use of hands
Hemingway has never written anything that sends a person to a dictionary
Opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference
It is better to weigh before you say
Meeting Rules by Boss
Use wit not only for one’s own good but that of others too
Sarcasm is the orgasm of mind
Wit is cornerstone of one’s communication skills
Expression leads to Impression
Wit is the act of paving the road on which the wheels of wisdom could roll
Wit is to words what high quality wine is to water
Your wit can put the limelight on you
Words are greater than action
Your wit is your arsenal
Are You Creative?
About Us
Why Choose Us
What make us unique
What’s in it for you
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What’s your HQ?
Actions speak louder than words
A good sense of humor scores over good looks
Death is a great equalizer
A family that laughs together, stays together
Fact: Words speak louder than actions
Dog biting the man is not news. Man biting the dog is.
Keep losing calories, either against a wall or against someone
Eloquence is the ability to describe Pamela Anderson without a use of hands
Hemingway has never written anything that sends a person to a dictionary
Opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference
It is better to weigh before you say
Meeting Rules by Boss
Use wit not only for one’s own good but that of others too
Sarcasm is the orgasm of mind
Wit is cornerstone of one’s communication skills
Expression leads to Impression
Wit is the act of paving the road on which the wheels of wisdom could roll
Wit is to words what high quality wine is to water
Your wit can put the limelight on you
Words are greater than action
Your wit is your arsenal
Are You Creative?
About Us
Why Choose Us
What make us unique
What’s in it for you
Quotes & Toons
Free Cards
What’s your HQ?
Actions speak louder than words
A good sense of humor scores over good looks
Death is a great equalizer
A family that laughs together, stays together
Fact: Words speak louder than actions
Dog biting the man is not news. Man biting the dog is.
Keep losing calories, either against a wall or against someone
Eloquence is the ability to describe Pamela Anderson without a use of hands
Hemingway has never written anything that sends a person to a dictionary
Opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference
It is better to weigh before you say
Meeting Rules by Boss
Use wit not only for one’s own good but that of others too
Sarcasm is the orgasm of mind
Wit is cornerstone of one’s communication skills
Expression leads to Impression
Wit is the act of paving the road on which the wheels of wisdom could roll
Wit is to words what high quality wine is to water
Your wit can put the limelight on you
Words are greater than action
Your wit is your arsenal
Are You Creative?
About Us
Why Choose Us
What make us unique
What’s in it for you
Quotes & Toons
Free Cards
What’s your HQ?
Actions speak louder than words
A good sense of humor scores over good looks
Death is a great equalizer
A family that laughs together, stays together
Fact: Words speak louder than actions
Dog biting the man is not news. Man biting the dog is.
Keep losing calories, either against a wall or against someone
Eloquence is the ability to describe Pamela Anderson without a use of hands
Hemingway has never written anything that sends a person to a dictionary
Opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference
It is better to weigh before you say
Meeting Rules by Boss
Use wit not only for one’s own good but that of others too
Sarcasm is the orgasm of mind
Wit is cornerstone of one’s communication skills
Expression leads to Impression
Wit is the act of paving the road on which the wheels of wisdom could roll
Wit is to words what high quality wine is to water
Your wit can put the limelight on you
Words are greater than action
Your wit is your arsenal
Are You Creative?
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